Welsh Cycling 2020 Annual General Meeting


The Annual General Meeting of the Welsh Cycling Union Ltd will be held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday, 22 September 2020.  Owing to the uncertainty of being able to meet in person by September the Board has decided to run the 2020 AGM as a virtual meeting.  All procedures will operate as normal except should we require a secret ballot for any nominations for Director, this will be conducted through the proxy voting system where all votes would be required to be submitted 48 hours before the AGM as per the proxy voting guidelines.

Please find updated documents ahead of our AGM below:

Letter for AGM

2020 Agenda

AGM Proxy forms and guidelinesAGM_proxy_forms_and_guidelines_2020.pdf

2020 AGM Delegates

Draft Minutes 2019

Unaudited Financial Statement 2019-2020

Adrian Gammage - Director Nomination

Tony Price - Director Nomination

Welsh Cycling 2020 Annual Report