2020 was an incredibly challenging year for everyone. For some, taking on a challenge and raising funds for a worthwhile cause was a way of doing some good. Three members of the Scottish Cycling community share their stories.
Chris takes on the Cathpuffer for SAMH
Mountain biker Chris Barr was disappointed when the Strathpuffer, a 24 hour endurance mountain bike event, was cancelled due to lockdown. Rather than letting his hard earned fitness go to waste, he challenged himself to a 24 hour event of his own.
"I was looking forward to pushing myself over 24 hours at Strathpuffer this year. I was gutted when it got cancelled but deep down I was well aware it was inevitable. With the travel restrictions in place I decided if I can't go to the Strathpuffer then the Strahpuffer would have to come to Glasgow and the Cathpuffer was born. I wanted to use the challenge to raise money for The Scottish Association of Mental Health SAMH. I lost my Mum to suicide when I was at primary school and never spoke to anyone about it until recently. It is important that people speak about their mental health with their friends, families and charities like SAMH."
You can donate to Chris's fundraising page here.
Scott Zwifts for Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland
Scottish Cycling Board member and keen cyclist for Dunfermline Cycling Club Scott Hutchinson has been channelling his energy into raising funds while on Zwift this lockdown. He led a team of fundraisers round The Uber Preztel on Zwift, a 128km route which features Alpe Du Zwift at the very end. The challenge was done on behalf of Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland a charity which seeks to help stroke survivors rebuild their lives. Scott survived a stroke just 3 years ago and cycling remained an ever-present during his recovery. He has inspired his team to train hard for the challenge throughout January and encouraged people to donate generously towards this excellent cause. The challenge took the team 6 hours and raised over £5000. You can donate to their fundraising page HERE.
Fraser Runs for Cancer Research UK
In December, Scottish Cycling Club Development Manager Fraser took part in 'Marcothon' where he ran 5km every day to raise funds for Cancer Reseach UK. Despite being a keen cyclist, Fraser did not see himself as a runner and was keen to see if he could battle the elements to complete this challenge. Both his parents have undergone Cancer treatment, so fundraising for Cancer Research UK provided the motivation he needed to keen going.
"I’ve wanted to do something for a long time to raise funds for a charity who dedicate their work to finding cures for all cancers. "
Fraser completed to challenge and raised an incredible £1450 and you can still donare to his page HERE.
If you are struggling with your mental health, please seek help from NHS24, SAMH or The Samaritans.