40% off ICE-scan

40% off ICE-scan


About ICE-scan

ICE-scan is a modern solution for an age old dilemma: how to securely save and store your medical and personal information for referral in the event of an emergency. As paramedics and clinicians often testify, saving time in an emergency can save lives, which is why access to that critical medical information is absolutely vital.

In Case of Emergency (ICE-scan) ensures that the emergency services are able to identify you and access your medical records swiftly and securely. Developed in association with senior clinicians, paramedics, and emergency services, the ICE-scan QR tag contains technology linked to a secure database containing information entered and verified by you.

In the event of an accident, the paramedics or the first on scene when spotting the clearly visible ICE-scan tag, complete with its familiar ‘Blue Star of Life’ logo on a cyclist’s helmet or mobile phone can remove its protective security layer to reveal your QR code. Using the ICE-scan APP on their mobile device, or the device’s camera, will reveal your medical and contact information which they can act upon.

An annual subscription to ICE-scan is £24, with British Cycling members claiming 40% off, bringing the annual cost down to £14.40.

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