Event: Gore Sportive - Selkirk

Event: Gore Sportive - Selkirk

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GORE BIKE WEAR Road Sportives - Selkirk

Date: 1st Aug 2009

Selkirk has been very popular over the last few years amongst the Mountain Biker fraternity through being the hosting town for the Merida Bikes MTB Marathons and the TransScotland 2007. Pete Laing is our man on the ground and has an extensive knowledge of the trail and road network of the Scottish Borders. He works closely with road clubs and road enthusiasts of the region to create a fantastic sportive course which hits the balance between challenging course and breathtaking views just right.

For this event he put some extra effort in by not just putting two but three courses together.

The Selkirk round of the GORE BIKE WEAR Road Sportive series is the only round that features 3 rather than 2 different courses. The"Extreme-distance" was created to give the experienced sportive riders a challenge of a new level. Please keep in mind that we recommend this event only for experienced and well trained riders.

GORE BIKE WEAR Road Sportives The Selkirk road sportive will be run on the Saturday of the event weekend with an open start from early in the morning (8am) onwards. The start will stay open for approximately 1 hour to give everybody the chance to have a relaxing start at the time of their choosing. Following the huge trend of non-competitive road events the GORE BIKE WEAR Road Sportives are trying to set themselves apart from the rest by offering a high quality event package with outstanding courses and first class support around the course plus all inclusive camping, parking, facilities, event meal and finisher presen pretty much the same deal the riders of the marathon series have been enjoying since the very beginning.

The Selkirk road sportives will have three courses on offer - an approx. 80-100mile, an approx. 40-50mile loop and the EXTREME loop which is approx. 125-135mile long.

There is a discounted weekend ticket which covers both events (sportive on Saturday and MTB marathon on Sunday) available.

Further information: www.gorebikewearsportives.com