Membership terms and conditions


By taking out membership of British Cycling, individuals or their parents/guardians consent to the member being bound by the Byelaws, Technical Regulations, Code of Conduct, Safeguarding Policies and UK Anti-Doping Rules.

  1. The purchaser of Membership is required to agree to these terms and conditions at the point of purchase. Any individual purchasing Membership for a third party shall be deemed to be acting with the consent of each Member for whom they are making that purchase, including acting with the authority of each such Member to agree to these terms and conditions on their behalf. Following the purchase of a Membership, British Cycling shall only communicate with the registered Member (regardless of whether such Membership was bought on their behalf or otherwise).
  2. By taking out membership of British Cycling, individuals or their parents/guardians consent to the member being bound by the Byelaws, Technical Regulations, Code of Conduct, Safeguarding Policies, UK Anti-Doping Rules and Cancellation policies of British Cycling, which will be updated from time to time, copies available upon request and available at
  3. British Cycling shall be entitled to refuse an application from, or suspend or cancel the Membership of, any Member in its absolute discretion.
  4. The Membership of each Member will commence on the date on which it is purchased and automatically expire 12 months thereafter, unless the Member has set up a continuous payment such as an annual Direct Debit. Members should allow 14 days from the date of purchase for their Membership pack to be delivered. Nothing in these terms and conditions guarantees a Member will be entitled to renew their Membership. Once expired, all rights and benefits of Membership will cease.
  5. British Cycling reserves the right to re-brand or re-name Membership products at any time.
  6. If a Member damages, loses or misplaces their Membership Card, or has the same stolen, they should report this to British Cycling as soon as possible. British Cycling shall issue a replacement Membership Card to the relevant Member (subject to the below), unless British Cycling reasonably believes that a Member is, or has been, acting in a fraudulent or illegal manner and/or in breach of any of these terms and conditions. The issue of a replacement Membership Card by British Cycling to a Member shall be subject to the payment of a fee to British Cycling (unless British Cycling in its absolute discretion decides to waive such fee) and the level of such fee shall be communicated to the relevant Member at the relevant time. The current fee to issue a replacement Membership Card that has been damaged, lost or stolen is £3.50.
  7. When seeking to use the benefits of Membership, a Member may be required at any time to show their Membership Card for inspection by British Cycling’s representatives or partners to prove that they are a Member.
  8. Membership is personal to each Member, is not transferable and shall not be transferred or resold under any circumstances. Membership Cards will remain the property of British Cycling at all times (each Member retaining a Membership Card on behalf of British Cycling and being entitled to the benefits conferred by the Membership subject to these terms and conditions). British Cycling reserves the right to require the immediate return of the Membership Card at any time.
  9. British Cycling reserves the right to suspend the use of Membership and/or any associated benefits for a period of time, to withdraw its use and such benefits completely and/or to terminate Membership if the Member (or any individual in possession of the Membership Card) breaches any of these terms and conditions (or British Cycling has reasonable grounds to suspect such a breach) or otherwise misuses the Membership; British Cycling shall not be obliged to make any refund to a Member if their Membership and/or any associated benefits are suspended or withdrawn or if their contract for the purchase of a Membership is terminated.
  10. Where  a Direct Debit mandate has been set up on initial purchase, the Membership will automatically be renewed and the Member will automatically be charged the Membership price on an annual basis, until the Member indicates a wish to cancel the Membership before the end of the relevant year, in accordance with the below. This means that before the end of the year, British Cycling will charge the Member automatically for the next year to guarantee uninterrupted access to benefits and services of the Membership in accordance with the following:
    1. at least 14 days prior to the end of each year, British Cycling shall inform the Member of (i) the renewal date; (ii) the price payable in respect of that Member’s Membership for the subsequent year; (iii) the date that British Cycling will commence the process of taking the payment; (iv) the methods by which the Member may cancel their subscription for the subsequent year; and (v) the terms and conditions applicable to the subsequent year’s Membership;
    2. British Cycling shall take payment for the renewal of the Member’s Membership by using the most recent information from the Direct Debit mandate provided by the Member when joining/renewing Membership. If the Member wishes to pay for the renewal of the Membership using another payment method, they should inform British Cycling prior to the date that British Cycling commences the process of taking the payment;
    3. If a Member does not wish to renew their Membership they should inform British Cycling prior to the date that British Cycling commences the process of taking the payment; and
    4. If British Cycling does not receive confirmation from the Member that they do not wish to renew their Membership for the subsequent year then (i) the Member’s Membership shall automatically renew for one year following the renewal date and the Member shall not have any further right to cancel the Membership for the subsequent year and (ii) the Member shall be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions which apply to that subsequent year.  
  11. If a Membership is cancelled, any such cancellation is in accordance with British Cycling’s Cancellation Policy (available online at
  12. If the method of payment provided for Membership fails or is refused (other than as a result of a fault of British Cycling), the prospective Member shall pay any bank, administration or similar charges incurred or imposed by British Cycling as a result, and Membership will be withdrawn from the Member until the Membership subscriptions (and any relevant charges) have been paid for in full.
  13. British Cycling shall not have any liability to a Member in respect of a failure to carry out or delay in carrying out any of British Cycling’s obligations under these terms and conditions caused by any circumstances outside its reasonable control.
  14. British Cycling collects personal information when an individual becomes a Member, or when Members use services or products that require the collection of personal information. British Cycling will use this information to provide the services requested, maintain records, notify Members of important information regarding an individual’s membership (such as renewal notices), develop the organisation and, if the Member agrees, send the Member information on things that may be of interest to them. British Cycling may occasionally pass such information to its suppliers to enable Members to receive services or products relating to Membership which are not fulfilled directly by British Cycling. (such as printed publications and membership cards) Unless explicitly stated, British Cycling does not share such information for marketing purposes with any other organisations. Please contact us should you have any questions about the information we hold on you using the details below.
  15. By joining British Cycling, Members who belong to a cycling club or team affiliated to British Cycling, Scottish Cycling or Welsh Cycling consent to their Membership Card being sent to them via the British Cycling membership secretary of that club or team.
  16. British Cycling shall not have any liability to a Member for any late delivery or non-delivery of a Membership Card, documents or other materials resulting from the actions or omissions of any postal service provider.
  17. British Cycling may, from time to time, update its Membership terms and conditions. Members are advised to refer to the Membership terms and conditions prior to the renewal of their Membership annually, copies available upon request.
  18. The benefits of Membership, including but not restricted to retail discounts, priority access, digital content and, where applicable, legal support and insurance cover, are as advertised by British Cycling from time to time. British Cycling reserves the right from time to time to withdraw and/or substitute replacement products or benefits as part of Membership in place of any products or benefits advertised in promotional material.
  19. If a Member claims that British Cycling has been negligent or has breached these terms and conditions in some way, British Cycling shall only be liable for any loss, damage, cost or other expense a Member incurs, or in respect of death or personal injury suffered, that is a foreseeable consequence of the claimed negligence or breach.
  20. The failure by British Cycling to exercise or a delay by British Cycling in exercising a right or remedy provided by these terms and conditions does not constitute a waiver of the right or remedy or a waiver of other rights or remedies. A waiver of a breach of any of these terms and conditions does not constitute a waiver of any other breach and shall not affect the other terms and conditions.
  21. These terms and conditions together with any associated application form/process comprise the entire agreement between British Cycling and a Member in relation to the purchase and use of their Membership and replaces any previous terms and conditions of British Cycling membership entered into.
  22. If any of these terms and conditions are determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, they shall, to that extent, be severed from the remaining terms and conditions which shall continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws.
  23. British Cycling and its group companies shall be entitled to enforce these terms and conditions against each Member. British Cycling shall at any time be entitled to assign, transfer or novate the benefit and/or burden of (and any right or obligation of British Cycling under) these terms and conditions.
  24. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

Use of personal data

The personal data collected with membership applications is managed in accordance with the British Cycling Privacy Notice. For full details visit

How to contact us

Should you have any questions about the information we hold on you, please contact us by :

Email at:
Phone on: 0161 274 2000
Post to: British Cycling Membership Department, Stuart Street, Manchester M11 4DQ

If you are unhappy with any aspect of our work, including the services that we deliver, and would like to submit a complaint, you can do so by writing to us by :

Email at:
Post to: The Company Secretary, British Cycling, National Cycling Centre, Stuart Street, Manchester  M11 4DQ

Applications for a UCI Licence

In making an application for a Racing Licence, the Member acknowledges and agrees as follows that he/she:

  1. is not aware of any reason why he/she should not be granted the requested licence;
  2. will immediately return his/her licence to British Cycling in the event of any material change to his/her circumstances existing at the time of the application for a licence;
  3. has not applied (and will not apply) for a licence for the same year to the UCI or to any other national cycling federation;
  4. upon request, will provide documentation to confirm their current place of residence and/or eligibility for their declared nationality;
  5. assumes exclusive liability for his/her application and for the use that he/she shall make of the licence;
  6. will respect the constitution and regulations of the UCI, its continental confederations and its national federations, including but without limitation those of British Cycling;
  7. has read or has had the opportunity to read the constitutions and regulations referred to above;
  8. will participate in cycling competitions or events in accordance with all applicable regulations of such competition;
  9. in the event of disciplinary measures taken against him/her, will submit to any such disciplinary measures imposed and shall bring any appeals in accordance with the procedures set out in the British Cycling regulations;
  10. where applicable, accepts the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) as the sole competent body for appeals in such cases and under the conditions set out in any applicable regulations;
  11. accepts that CAS decisions shall be final and binding and without right of appeal (and further the Member shall submit any disputes with the UCI solely to the courts within whose jurisdiction the head offices of the UCI lie from time to time);
  12. agrees to submit to and be bound by the UK Anti-Doping Rules/UCI Anti-Doping Rules, the clauses of the World Anti-doping Code and its international Standards to which the UK Anti-Doping Rules/UCI Anti-Doping Rules refer and to the anti-doping regulations of other competent bodies as per the regulations of UK Anti-Doping Rules/UCI Anti-Doping Rules and the World Anti-doping Code provided that such regulations comply with that Code; (and that the results of the analysis may be made public and communicated in detail to his/her club or team or to his/her paramedical assistant or doctor);
  13. agrees that all anti-doping samples taken by UKAD shall become the property of UKAD which may have them analysed, especially for purposes of health protection research and information;
  14. agrees that his/her doctor or the doctor of his/her club or team may, on a request from British Cycling/UCI, communicate to it a list of any medicines he/she may take and treatment he/she may undergo before any given competition; and
  15. accepts the conditions regarding blood testing and accepts to undergo blood tests.
  16. The personal data processed for licence applications to British Cycling shall be passed to and held by the UCI (Switzerland) and such information used for administration and governance purposes, including the management of results and rankings, as well as in relation to anti-doping activities and the prevention of the manipulation of competitions.  The member acknowledges and agrees that personal information provided as part of their application may be passed to and used by the UCI for these purposes.

  17. The personal data may be used and/or transmitted, when necessary, to other entities such as the World Anti-Doping Agency, the national Anti-Doping organisations, the Court of Arbitration for Sport, the judicial bodies of the UCI, the national and international authorities competent in relation to the following matters:
    a. investigations and/or procedures in relation to potential violations of the UCI Regulations; and
    any other processing operation of personal information that is legitimate and proportionate in the context of the administration and governance of cycling.
    Licence holders may contact the UCI at the following address in order to exercise their right to request access, rectification or deletion of personal information:

  18. In accordance with UCI procedures,  the personal data submitted as part of a licence application may be passed to other UCI-affiliated federations for running events and maintaining records of participation, results and rankings as required. (Note: Information shared by British Cycling for this purpose shall not be more than the name, nationality, date of birth, licence status and gender of the rider).

  19. The personal data may also be shared with event organisers, officials and timing service providers responsible for the delivery of British Cycling registered events.


Parent/Guardian Consent - U18 members only

Parents/Guardians hold legal responsibility for all Members aged under 18. As such, Parents/Guardians understand and agree, in respect of the minor for which they have legal responsibility, for the member to be bound by all aspects of the Membership Terms and Conditions in addition to the following:

  1. the individual participates in events promoted under British Cycling's rules and regulations entirely at his/her own risk; 
  2. the parent/guardian  has considered and understood the nature of the events concerned and have discussed them with the individual participant; 
  3. the parent/guardian are satisfied that the individual participant is sufficiently responsible and competent to assume responsibility for their own safety whilst engaged in competition under British Cycling regulations; 
  4. the parent/guardian have understood that competitors over 16 years of age are permitted to compete on the public highway and must therefore assume full and entire responsibility for their own safety in relation to other traffic; 
  5. the parent/guardian have informed the individual participant that the function of marshals in such events is to do no more than indicate the direction the rider should take and that the responsibility for safety whilst negotiating corners, turns and other hazards must rest with the rider; 
  6. the parent/guardian have impressed upon the individual participant  that all competitors in events on the open road must observe the highway code and any other direction provided regarding the use of the public highway;
  7. that the individual shall participate in such events without any liability whatsoever on the part of the promoter, promoting club, British Cycling, or any club or organisation affiliated thereto or their officials or members in respect of any injury, loss or damage suffered by him/her, provided that this does not exclude the liability of any such party for death or personal injury arising from that party’s negligence;
  8. that the individual participant does not have any disability or medical condition, physical or mental, which could affect his/her ability to ride safely as a racing cyclist;
  9. the parent/guardian will notify British Cycling at once if at any time the individual participant becomes subject to a disability or medical condition, physical or mental, which could affect his/her ability to ride safely as a racing cyclist; and 
  10. the parent/guardian understands that the individual participant may be subject to anti-doping controls and that this may involve the removal of some of their clothing and the provision of a sample directly in the presence of a doping control officer.

Cancellation Policy

In accordance with Consumer Contract Regulations, individuals who have bought a British Cycling annual membership have a right to cancel such membership.

Cancellation within the 14-day cancellation period

If an individual wishes to cancel their Membership or Racing Licence within 14 days of the purchase, they will receive a refund of any monies paid, providing the Membership or Racing Licence have not been used to enter or participate in organised cycling events.

British Cycling will deduct a small amount from the refund to cover the cost of providing membership services and benefits, such as insurance, up to the point at which the cancellation request is received.

Cancellation outside the 14-day cancellation period

If an individual wishes to cancel their Membership or Racing Licence outside of the 14-day period, howsoever caused, any refund would be subject to the discretion of British Cycling and if granted, would be subject to an administration fee to be determined by British Cycling.

Process for cancellation

Any individual requesting a cancellation of a Membership or Racing Licence should contact British Cycling by e-mail at  Alternatively, individuals may put their request in writing to: Membership Department, British Cycling, Stuart Street, Manchester, M11 4DQ.

Refund method

British Cycling will make refunds using the same means of payment as that used for the initial transaction, unless the individual has expressly agreed otherwise. Refunds will normally be issued within 14 days of receipt of the request being received.

Retention of refunds

British Cycling may withhold a refund until the Membership Card or Racing Licence is returned, or the individual has supplied evidence of having destroyed them.

Return of Membership Card

Returned cards should be sent to Membership Department, British Cycling, Stuart Street, Manchester, M11 4DQ. The individual will bear the cost of returning the card.

Effects of cancellation

Upon cancellation of an individual’s Membership or Racing Licence, all membership benefits, including insurance, are null and void.

Rules, regulations and policies

Including Equality policy, Safeguarding Statements and full rules and regulations for Cycling Events

British Cycling Rulebook