UCI 2010 Track World Championships - Day 1 - Rider Quotes

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UCI 2010 Track World Championships - Day 1 - Rider Quotes

24th March 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark

British Cycling's Larry Hickmott caught up with the day one's British protagonists and asked them to sum up their races.

Jess Varnish:

"I'm happy with how the 500 went today. I was using it as warm-up for the Team Sprint tomorrow and it is the fastest lap I have done in the 500 before so that is a good sign for the ride tomorrow. The track was smooth and felt nice to ride".

Becky James:

"It was okay. I am a bit disappointed with my time. I would like to have gone out and done a PB but I did my best and that is all I can do really. I have the first day nerves out of the way now and I'm looking forward to the Sprint now and a better performance there".

Chris Newton:

"I was always hit out early usually and score highly and then try and hang on and today, I wanted hit it later in the race so I was picking up points staying near the front and I purposely tried not to hit the front for the first 40 laps which I didn't. Even when I had 15 points, I hadn't done that much and I wanted to then start chasing the race."

"I wanted with maybe 40 to go to hit out and take a lap but to be honest there was no-one else that was going to go. It was a mistake to miss Cameron (Meyer) but once I missed it, I didn't panic. I was going to sit back , wait for him to get the points and then hit him and I went and got some points on a sprint lap. But I didn't get the gap I needed".

On losing the medal by what looked like only 50 metres at the finish, Chris explained "I could have done with hitting them a bit later for that final sprint but I was committed. I was going to go over the top but then a gap opened up underneath and that was the only opportunity otherwise I was going to get boxed in so I had to go for it."

"It is a hard race the Points. Any colour medal is a real achievement in that event because it is so difficult, so for me, it is still a good result, 4th in the world. I'll have to try and put a brave face on that one."

Chris Hoy:

"The Germans were exceptional today and congratulations to them. In the first ride, I had problems at the start and we felt the effects of that as Jason and Ross were sitting on the start line for three or four minutes and the legs were stiffening up when they should have been allowed to roll. Aside from that, technically we got it a bit wrong in the first one as well and didn't leave a gap and run onto the wheel. We were a little dead on the wheel where as in the final I gave Ross a bit of a gap and managed to roll through and that improved my time for sure."

"Jason nailed the first lap and you can see the difference between the first and second rides so the big thing we can take away from this is that we have managed to find some one who is looking like he is going to be able to get close to Jamie Staffs start times who was just awesome in Beijing".

"While we're missing him, Jason did a great job and so did Ross."

On his broken pedal in the first ride, he said "That has never happened in my whole career. In a way it was good it happened then because if it had happened on the start, it could have been nasty because the pedal axle broke and left a shard of metal and that could have gone right up my leg. I was just rolling up the track and the pedal broke right off and was hanging off my shoe."

"The Germans and French certainly gave us something to think about over the next two years."

About whether was he thinking about three golds at the start, Chris replied "on the start line, all I think about is the race that I am doing. I don't think about the races coming up after that. You try and win every race you do. Tonight people realised that it is not a formality and we're not just tuning up and collecting rainbow jerseys. Every colour of medal is hard fought and we did the very best we could tonight and I am proud fo what we did."

Jason Kenny:

"It was a good ride I think. I think we all felt we had a bit more to give after the first ride which didn't go as well as we hoped. We got it together for the final and did a good time but at the end of the day, we were beaten by two slightly faster teams. At least we showed we're still up there and still competitive with the time we did in the bronze medal ride off."

"I am really pleased with my lap, especially in the last ride. In the first ride I was a little down on my PB which I set only a month ago so I knew then there was a bit more in there. In the final I took another big chunk off my PB so I feel I need to get some consistency which I think will help the guys behind me. In the first one I didn't feel like I delivered them that well and that affects their ride."

On whether he likes riding man 1, he says "I'm not really bothered to be honest as long as I'm in the team. What ever gives us the fastest combination, I'm happy to do it."