Track: Latest results from the Welwyn League

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Location: Gosling Sports Park, Welwyn
Event: 13 July 2012
Report: Peter Waghorn

It was a nice fine evening for the latest round of the Welwyn Track League, but there was a low turnout of riders as the weather forecast had predicted an evening of rain!

Youth numbers were fine but the Senior A and B groups were combined together to provide the riders with some positive racing

One of the most interesting events was the 10 lap Block handicap – the B group being given 250m head start over the A group. The B group worked hard throughout the race with no ‘soft tapping’ and despite the furious pace set by the small A group held on to take a well earned victory with the A group almost closing them down in the fastest 10 lap event of the season.

John McClelland and Roger Woodford each won the opening 10 lap scratch and Devil for their category and the 10 mile was won by Tim Read who pipped Joe Fry on the line.

Racing in the three youth categories was excellent in each of their 4 events – Mitchell Powell, Conor Woodford and Cameron Gutteridge battled it out in the three BC group events but lost out in the 5 lap handicap to the smooth team work of the four limit riders who filled the top 4 places.

Luke Morgan returned to the fray in the A group after some weeks off with a broken arm but Sam Dossett excelled this week with 3 victories.

Tom Durkin and Alexi Edwards fought out the battle for points in the CDE series as joint leaders with Durkin now in the lead by a single point but lost out in the 3 lap handicap by watching each other rather than the group in front of them.

The Track League meeting on Friday 27th July, the opening ceremony of the Olympics, has been postponed to mid September.


Senior A:
10 lap scratch – John McClelland (Prestige) Kristian Woolf (Prestige) Tim Read (Stevenage)
Devil – John McClelland (Prestige) Kristian Woolf (Prestige) Tim Read (Stevenage)
10 mile - Tim Read (Stevenage) Joe Fry (Welwyn) Neil Fraser (Stevenage)

Senior B
10 lap scr – Roger Woodford (Willesden) Simon Best (North Road) Phil Raymond (Welwyn Whs)
10 lap AB Block handicap – Roger Woodford (Willesden) Simon Howes (Spirit RT) Simon Best (North Road)
Devil – Roger Woodford (Willesden) Simon Best (North Road) Simon Howes (Spirit RT)

Youth A
6 lap scratch – Jack Plumley, Luke Morgan, Jordan Mooney (all Welwyn)
Devil – Sam Dossett, Jack Plumley, Bethany Hayward (all Welwyn)
8 lap points – Sam Dossett, Jordan Mooney, Bethany Hayward (all Welwyn)
8 lap handicap – Sam Dossett, Luke Morgan, Jack Plumley (all Welwyn)

Youth BC
5 lap scr – Mitchell Powell (Chelmer) Cameron Gutteridge (Lee Valley) Connor Woodford (Willesden)
Devil – Mitchell Powell (Chelmer) Cameron Gutteridge (Lee valley) Connor Woodford (Willesden)
6 lap Points – Mitchell Powell (Chelmer) Connor Woodford (Willesden) Cameron Gutteridge (Lee Valley)
5 lap Handicap – Glen Dossett (Welwyn) Michael Parry (Welwyn) James Jackson (Colchester)

Youth CDE
3 lap scr - Tom Durkin , Alexi Edwards, Kathryn Anderson (all Welwyn)
3 lap H’Cap - Kathryn Anderson Harry Towning ,Olivia Howard (all Welwyn)
4 lap H’Cap – Tom Durkin, Alexi Edwards, Harry Towning (all Welwyn)

British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.