2012 British National Track Championships
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The British National Track Championships have a deserved reputation for providing racing of the highest standards, with the Great Britain Team's many Olympic and World Champions having all learnt their trade at the event.

For the 2012 edition of the championships, the emphasis is very much on the future, with many of the country's most promising young riders lining up as they begin the four-year process which, they hope, will culminate in their claiming a place in the GB team for the Rio Olympics in 2016.

We have a full preview which looks at the likely contenders over the five days of action: 2012 Preview

On the left of this page you will find links to other key information from the event, including a page hosting our live twitter updates and also daily reports.

Event website: www.nationaltrackchamps.co.uk

Buy tickets: www.ticketmaster.co.uk

NOTE: There is no charge for entry to the Wednesday and Thursday sessions, spectators do not require a ticket.

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Day 5
2011 British Track Champs
2010 British Track Champs
2009 British Track Champs