2020 club affiliation will open in early October for clubs affiliated to Welsh Cycling.
The online affiliation form will be available for listed Club Secretaries and appointed Club Management Tool Administrators from early October, via the Club Management Tool Dashboard. We strongly recommend administrators discuss completing the form with the club secretary before submitting the form.
If your club needs to affiliate before then please contact your local Development Officer.
To set up a club member with access to complete the form the Club Secretary can use the "Manage Administrators" function in the tool or put the request in writing by email to clubs@britishcycling.org.uk Please note only current British Cycling members in your club can have administrative access.
To get started you will need to sign into the web site and go to "my dashboard". Navigate to the Club Manager dashboard tab and then select the Annual Affiliation button.
How to renew your affiliation
Step 1
Start filling in the form; you will notice the form is pre-populated with the information which we already hold about your club. If this information has changed then simply just overtype it to update it.
You will need to upload a kit image even if your club kit has not changed since last year. The system has been configured to accept the following file types jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, tif, bmp, doc, docx and pcx. Please note kit images should be up to date.
Step 2
Fill in your volunteer's information. Again this will be pre-populated and any changes can be made by over typing.
All clubs in Wales who have under 18s as members or users must have a named Club Welfare Officer (CWO) in order to affiliate. The Club Welfare Officer (CWO) must have valid DBS through British/ Welsh Cycling and attended appropriate safeguarding training. Contact our compliance team compliance@britishcycling.org.uk for more information and guidance on the requirements and role of the CWO. Welsh Cycling will review the affiliation of a club/team that fails to adopt these standards.
Please see our Safeguarding Strategy for more information
Step 2 will also ask you to select your club type. A commercial club is one which is named after a third party organisation or website or includes a third party or sponsor in the club name. A standard club is one which is not named after a third party and is usually but not always named after a geographical location.
Step 3
Step 3 asks you to declare your sponsors. The prices are automatically calculated. The sponsors you declare on this page must match the sponsors which appear on your club kit.
Step 4
Step 4 is the payment page. Please note payment will only be taken if your club affiliation application is approved. However the admin fee is charged instantly and is non-refundable.
When you have submitted your application, it will be checked by the relevant club services team.
Please note full payment will be collected from your payment card at the point your application is accepted.
You will normally hear from us within 21 days of submitting your application. Please do not have your kit manufactured until your application has been accepted.
Step 5
Clubs will be asked to complete the annual club survey, this is an integral part of the process giving our development team the insight needed to be able to offer the best support possible to you club.
The survey can be completed in advance here.
If you have any queries regarding affiliation renewal or the progress of your affiliation application please contact info@welshcycling.co.uk.
For queries or issues around using the online affiliation form please contact clubtool@britishcycling,org.uk.