Welsh Cycling are here to help groups return to activity

Welsh Cycling are here to help groups return to activity


As restrictions on club and group activities are lifting here in Wales our development team are keen to help our volunteers, clubs and groups look at how and when they may be able to return to activity delivery through one-to-one virtual surgeries.

Welsh Cycling have been working closely with British Cycling on "The Way Forward" document, which outlines our plans of when and how a return will take place. The outline document provides a good reference point for all our groups, coaches, leaders and volunteers.

British Cycling have delivered webinars over the last few weeks covering a number of these issues as the UK government accelerated its lifting of the lockdown in England. The webinars provide some useful considerations and guidance. You can watch this back here.

Our team feel it may prove beneficial for Welsh groups and leaders to book a virtual appointment with the local officer to talk about the specifics that may affect your group as restrictions are now lifted, and to provide some advice on how to comply to the guidance outlined in The Way Forward document.

The timings of the sessions will vary depending on staff availability and will be hosted via Microsoft Teams (so you will not need to have specific software and can invite along other members of your group)

In order to pick a slot for your group please email the relative officer with any specific queries you have so we are able to best support you.

Cycling Development Officers
