Welsh Cycling Webinar set for next week



On Thursday 23rd July Welsh Cycling will be hosting a webinar between 6-7pm for our affiliated clubs, groups and volunteers to update everyone on the actions required to allow partial resumption of club activity as outlined by Welsh Government last week.

Welsh Cycling have been working hard to enable group activities to return since the Welsh Government permitted larger gatherings for organised outdoor activity. With further guidance now in place from Welsh Government which identifies the measures and training needed to resume activity,  Welsh Cycling will be hosting a Webinar to update our members on this process, the plans for a full return of activity and of course to address and support the needs of your group.

Updates will be provided on the following areas:

  • Overview from CEO/ Chairman of Welsh Cycling
  • Facility Update
  • Welsh Cycling Coached activity ( Performance & Go-Ride)
  • Events Update
  • Development update to include details of training available from the Welsh Sports Association, Risk assessments and 1-2-1 virtual drop in sessions with Development Officers.

There will also be some time put aside to answer some of the questions posed on the night.

In order to take part via Microsoft TEAMS, we invite all interested attendees to complete the online booking form by 12 noon Thursday 23rd July.

The Webinar will be recorded and uploaded to our site a few days later.


Link to Welsh Government guidance  

Virtual Catch up with your local Development Officer