Addiscombe CC

South East | Surrey

Club Image

Club Information

Club type: Club Racing
Affiliated: 31/12/2025
Affilation status: Active

Total club members: 340

About our club

Addiscombe CC is one of the UK’s longest established cycling clubs and offers a wide range of cycling disciplines and activities to its members, although its focus is primarily on road riding and racing.

The Club’s main weekly event is the Saturday morning club run, which sees as many as 120 riders meet at Coulsdon South train station at 9:00 for a 50-mile fixed loop into the beautiful Surrey and Sussex countryside. Groups range from a chaingang-style training ride for the Club’s many active racers, down to a more leisurely-paced 15mph average speed. There is also a regular Sunday club run – using a different route each week – and members frequently organise other ad hoc group rides through the club’s active Facebook page.

Numerous other events also take place throughout the year, from track sessions at Lee Valley Velopark, to a regular diet of time trials and races in all disciplines.

As well as British Cycling, Addiscombe CC is affiliated to the renowned Surrey Cycle Racing League, Crystal Palace Crits and Cycling Time Trials. These provide numerous opportunities for members to compete, either solo against the clock or in some of the UK’s most fiercely competitive bunch races. Addiscombe typically fields strong teams in all major competitions in London and the South East regions, and fledgling racers are mentored and encouraged via progression through the club’s many group rides.

Fundamentally, though, Addiscombe CC remains a friendly and welcoming environment in which any cyclist – regardless of age or ability – can become a fitter, faster and stronger rider.

I am a member of this club


Email: Email the club
Postcode: CR5 3EA

Club Website


How to join our club

This club has not yet setup online purchasing of club membership subscriptions.

We are open to

Youths/Juniors (under 18s)
Adults (Aged 18+)
Intermediate riders
Advanced riders

When we train

Day Time Traffic Free