Shepshed Cycling Club
East Midlands''

Club Information
About our club
Shepshed Cycling Club was formed in 2015 by local retired GP, Dr Guru Singh, to promote the healthy activity of cycling. We use minor roads, country lanes and cycle tracks..
We currently operate one official ride group, the Social Ride which meets at 9:00 am each Sunday, except for times when the weather is exceptionally bad. The ride meets at the front of The Shepshed Town Council Offices on Charnwood Road in Shepshed. In winter or if there has been a severe frost, a delayed start of 9:30 am allows frost to melt.
The route is usually 30 - 45 miles on minor roads, country lanes and off-road cycle tracks. We cycle at 10 - 15 mph and always hold back for the slowest riders. We incorporate a café stop about half way for refreshments and to break the ride.
Newcomers are welcome to attend several rides to decide whether they wish to formally join the Club. Riders must have a roadworthy bike, wear an undamaged helmet, suitable clothing and gloves (if necessary) and a puncture repair outfit with suitable tools. Bring money or a method of payment is you wish to buy a beverage and/or cake at the café. All riders must comply with any instructions from the ride leader and experienced club members in order to stay safe.
How to join our club
This club has not yet setup online purchasing of club membership subscriptions.