Finsbury Park CC

Eastern | LONDON

Club Image

Club Information

Club type: Club Racing
Affiliated: 31/12/2025
Affilation status: Active

Total club members: 140

About our club

Known in the North London cycling community as ‘The Park’, we formed in 1883 as Ferme Park CC and changed to Finsbury Park CC the following year. The ‘Park’ has continued, without pause, to the present day and embraces continuous change whilst retaining our traditional roots.

We have club runs from Potters Bar every Sunday, Club time trials in the summer as well as putting on our own open events. We have members who race regularly both on road and on the track and will encourage and advise riders interested in ‘getting into’ racing. We also have members who race cyclocross in the winter, members who ride long distance Audaxes and plenty who just enjoy a group ride each Sunday. We also have regular track sessions.

If any of this sounds like it could be for you then you’re welcome to come along to one of our Sunday Clubruns, all the information is on our website.

I am a member of this club Buy Club Membership


Club contact: Mr Vince Freeley
Email: Email the club
Postcode: N21 2DN

Club Website


How to join our club

Please choose from the following options to pay club subscriptions.

If you are not yet a member of this club we recommend that you contact the club using the details in the contact tab before you buy your subscription. Please note the £1.00 application fee is non-refundable.

  Price Age Membership required?

Application to join the club.

+£1.00 application fee
18 - 120 No British Cycling membership required Buy membership
Application to join the club.
Age : 18 - 120
Price : £20.00 +£1.00 application fee
No British Cycling membership required

Annual subscription

+£1.00 application fee
18 - 120 No British Cycling membership required Buy membership
Annual subscription
Age : 18 - 120
Price : £20.00 +£1.00 application fee
No British Cycling membership required

Existing 2nd claim member

+£1.00 application fee
18 - 120 No British Cycling membership required Buy membership
Existing 2nd claim member
Age : 18 - 120
Price : £10.00 +£1.00 application fee
No British Cycling membership required

We are open to

Adults (Aged 18+)
Novice riders
Intermediate riders
Advanced riders

When we train

Day Time Traffic Free
Sunday 09:30 No