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Funding for Go-Ride Clubs

Funding for Go-Ride Clubs

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Funding helps to open up new club opportunities, whether it is training new club coaches, replacing old equipment or investing in facilities.

What funding is available?

  • Sport England’s Small Grants uses Lottery funding to make awards of between £300 and £10,000 to not-for-profit organisations to help more people play sport. Lots of Go-Ride Clubs have been successful in Small Grants funding and you can read more about some of these in the case studies section.  
  • Your local County Sports Partnership will have details of local funding you may be able to apply for. 
  • UK Coaching’s funding guide includes a comprehensive breakdown of all the current pots of money available.   

Top tips when applying for funding:

  • Contact your regional development manager for help. They have a good knowledge of local funding pots and what makes a good funding bid.
  • Be specific about what it is you want funding for and think about how the funding will improve your club. You also need to consider how your project or activities will contribute to the aims of the funding provider. 
  • Tell a story: include an anecdote about how your project aims to really help people.
  • Organise your club’s paperwork: most funders require your club to have a bank account, child protection policy and an open and non-discriminatory club constitution.  
  • Coordinate your funding bid and make sure you have the support of the key volunteers involved in your club, particularly if you are including their contact details on the application form.
  • Plan: think carefully about the timescales involved in your bid, particularly if your project involves time-limited aspects such as volunteers accessing training. Make sure you plan this into the timescales of your project.  
  • Check: make sure your spelling, grammar and maths are consistent throughout the funding bid. When referring to the funding provider, be careful to use their correct and full name throughout your bid.
  • Keep copies of your funding bid once it has been submitted, especially if it is an online application. This will allow you to refer back to it if you are contacted by the funding provider for additional information.

Coaching bursaries

Funding is available for club volunteers looking to undertake a suitable coaching qualification. Bursaries are available for all clubs but will be allocated based on the strength of the application received.

The bursary will provide a £150 discount on coaching courses and will be allocated in line with current Go-Ride priorities. Coaching bursaries cannot be awarded retrospectively however, so please await confirmation of an award before paying for a course.

To apply, please read the guidance notes and criteria before completing an application form (both documents downloadable below) and return to:



Joel Callister

British Cycling
HSBC UK National Cycling Centre
Stuart Street
M11 4DQ

Application form

Criteria and guidance

Easy Fundraising

Raise free funds for your club simply by shopping online.

We know that raising club funds can sometimes be harder than the cycling itself, which is why we’ve teamed up with easyfundraising, the UK’s leading online fundraising platform! Whether your club needs coaching qualifications, training facilities or some equipment, raise all the FREE funds for your sporting needs with easyfundraising.

A great way to kick-start your club fundraising is by purchasing all your personal cycling essentials through easyfundraising with over 3,300 UK retailers. Raise FREE funds for your club as a percentage of what you spend – it won’t cost you anything extra

Plus  - WIN a £200 Gift Card with Evans Cycles

Boost funds for your cycling club with our May competition. Register your club with easyfundraising between 1st – 31st May & you’ll go into a prize draw to win £200 gift card courtesy of Evans Cycles. If your club is already registered, simply raise a donation in the competition period to get an entry. Good luck!

Not registered yet? To start raising & to enter the competition, simply register your cycling club below.

Register Now

Make sure you don’t miss out – your cycling club could receive a big funding boost!  


Go-Ride Clubs can raise their own funds through club activities, removing the need for funding applications or being tied to specific projects. Ideas for fundraising include:

  • A supermarket bag pack
  • An open day or cycling festival that draws in extra people from the local community and could include a bake sale or similar activity
  • A christmas socal that includes fundraising activities, such as a raffle or auction with donations towards the evening
  • A club bike ride or event that encourages people to cycle as well as raising funds
  • Register for initiatives such as Sainsbury's Active Kids (Clubmark clubs only)


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