Accredited Marshal Scheme continues to increase road race influence

Accredited Marshal Scheme continues to increase road race influence

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British Cycling and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) have praised the success of the Accredited Marshal Scheme as its use in road races continues to grow.

The scheme sees trained volunteer marshals employ a ‘Stop! Cycle Race’ sign to legally stop and hold traffic to allow the safe passage of a cycle race on the open highway.

Introduced in 2013, the scheme has played a key part in enhancing event delivery standards and safety for competitors, event volunteers and all other road users.

With coverage of the scheme on the increase, British Cycling’s head of sport, Jonathan Day, is delighted with how the initiative has been received.

He said:

“We developed the Accredited Marshal Scheme with the Department for Transport and the National Police Chiefs’ Council to make sure that the safety of all road users was prioritised during cycle races.

“So far this season, marshals have been used in 152 races across nine of the 10 British Cycling English regions. Feedback from the marshals and evidence gathered from races suggests that awareness of the scheme is growing, and that other road users are appreciative and understanding of the need to ensure the safe passage of a cycle race while also minimising disruption for others.

Accredited marshal scheme continues to increase road race influence

“We are delighted to know that the vast majority of volunteers find marshalling races an enjoyable, rewarding experience, and are pleased to be able to give something back to the sport they love.

“The role they play in making events happen is invaluable.”

There are currently over 750 marshals, of which 152 have been trained this year. Marshals have so far been deployed in over 800 races since the start of the scheme in 2013, with four of British Cycling’s regions on target to use marshals in 100% of applicable races this season.

Tim Kingsman, lead for cycle racing on the highway at the NPCC, added:

“The growth of the Accredited Marshal Scheme is a really positive step forward, and shows that the initiative is succeeding in providing a safe, sustainable and effective method of traffic management at road race events.

“The contribution of the volunteer marshals is obviously key to this, and their role in keeping cyclists and other road users safe is hugely important.”

Further information on the accredited marshal scheme is available here.